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Mon - Fri: 8.00am - 4.00pm

NEVLEC Participates in the 4th edition of the Nevis Youth Careers Expo (NYCE)

Under the theme, “CONCEPTUALIZE! VISUALIZE! REALIZE!”, this year the Nevis Youth Careers Expo (NYCE) turned 4. NEVLEC is pleased to have partnered with NYCE once again to share the variety of careers that exist across our four (4) departments.

The expo was held on Friday March 7th 2025, at the Nevis Cultural Village from 9 am to 1pm. NEVLEC was duly represented by Mr. Geran Liburd, Technical Auditor; Mr. Vidal Jones, Crew Chief (Transmission & Distribution Department); Mr. Livingstone Powell, Operator III (Generation Department); Mr. Ivon Weekes, Operations Supervisor (Generation Department); Mr. Kyle Phillip, Electrician II (Generation Department); Mr. Shaquille Parry, IT Officer (Finance & Administration Department); Ms. Sheverley Mitchell, Administrative Assistant, (Finance & Administration Department); Mr. Jahiem Hamilton, Linesman 1 (Transmission and Distribution Department); Ms. Kristel Pemberton, Customer Service Supervisor (Customer Service Department) and Ms. Nakita Thibou, Corporate Communications Officer (Finance & Administration Department).

The NEVLEC booth featured a variety of items including electricity conversation tips brochures, careers listing brochures, bill templates, meters and a wide range of tools used in the field by our Linesmen. The Nevis Island Administration’s (NIA’s) website (nia.gov.kn) describes the expo as follows:

The 4th Annual Nevis Youth Career Expo continues to serve as an essential initiative in preparing Nevisian students for their professional futures, providing them with the guidance and resources needed to make informed career decisions.

NEVLEC wholeheartedly agrees!

Heartiest congratulations is extended to the organizing committee of this event, NEVLEC pledges our continued participation and support.

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